Kymm Patterson
I developed the photography bug through a high school fine arts course. Over the years I have dabbled here and there....always with the camera set to auto. I never fully understood the workings of the camera. I would shoot away and hope for the best. Sometimes I was lucky.....other times not so lucky. I was one of those film hold outs, not giving in to the digital age of photography. So many weekends spent driving around the north Burlington area, Rattlesnake Point, Kelso Conservation Area, with camera in hand. Being so selective with what I shot, having a mere roll of film. 24 or 36 exposures was it. I have to admit, digital has made it easier to get that perfect shot.
In June 2016 a friend of mine suggested I come to one of her meetings with Group Thirtyone. Well, that was it.....I was hooked. What an amazing group of people, inspiring, knowledgeable, and so very kind. Always there to lend a helping hand in any way possible. What I have learned from this group is immeasurable, I have such admiration for each and every one of them. I now shoot entirely in manual mode, kudos to Colin Williams. You are an inspiration Colin.
Hiking is one of my passions, I love nature and the outdoors, which is reflective in many of the images I shoot.
© Kymm Patterson. All Rights Reserved
© Group ThirtyOne. All Rights Reserved