Andie Parton
When I was seriously considering shutting down my many years as a lab technologist and pondering my next move, I did something totally foreign to me: I picked up a camera. And I pretty much never set it down. I got my free one-hour instruction from the store and was on my way.
Soon I registered for the basic digital classes at the Dundas Valley School of Art, dived into Photoshop and LightRoom software, and joined Group ThirtyOne, a local photographers’ collective. The group members offer their many levels of expertise and a wonderful camaraderie. Colin, our talented leader, pushes us to constantly raise our bar and fearlessly venture into our own uncharted waters.
And now I have my studio for portrait and still life shoots, filled with lights, props, and a glorious mess.
This road never ends and becomes more beautiful at each turn.
Andie's Personal Website
© Andie Parton. All Rights Reserved
© Group ThirtyOne. All Rights Reserved